We got up early and prepared the MH for travel – again!!! It was not in our plan to set -up and break-down in less then twenty-four hours but we had no choice. We had booked one week at Evergreen so made sure we let the manager know we would be back later. The park was full to capacity despite being in the middle of the bustling city.
I followed Ron to the the repair shop along very heavily traveled roads. Oxnard is the 113th largest city in the country by population – and they weren’t kidding. The traffic is unbelievable.
Jason, the owner of Bill’s was very personable and told us he would get back to us later that day with a diagnosis of the problem and an estimate of the repairs.
We got to Nancy’s quite early and had coffee with her. Once again, Jewel was sniffing around for the cats but still remained good and didn’t bother them.
We didn’t plan anything for the day because we knew we would have to pick up the MH when Jason called. About two hours later he called to let us know that the original repair job had been “Mickey Moused” and the hose that had been replaced did not fit properly and there was leak in the weld so all the Freon had leaked out.
OWCH!!!! He quoted an estimate of $682.00 to get it fixed with the proper hose that he would have shipped in from Chicago. That estimate with the proper hose is half of what they charged us in Washington. How can that be - for the same repair job???
Ron called the manager at Poulsbo back and he told us to get it repaired but he wanted a picture of the hose. Back to the repair shop to pick up the MH and back to the CG to set up again! Are we having fun yet????? Yep, only while spending time with Nancy.
While at Bill’s RV we talked to a gentleman who asked us how far we lived from New Bedford. I guess his parents lived in New Bedford. What a small world.
Back at the CG we set up, sent out an E-mail with the hose photo attached and headed back to Nancy’s. Early that evening we went out to eat at a great Mexican Restaurant. Everyone was tired and we planned a trip into Hollywood for Thursday so we all turned in early.
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