Captain’s Blog August 28, 2011 ( Day 1 ) HOME and THE BLACK CLOUD FOLLOWS

Upon arrival  home Ron noticed that our new driveway looked very much like our old driveway with a large rut on the right side. How could that be????? We spent a fortune to get the driveway repaved and the problem fixed and it is back again!!!!!!  Not a happy  couple here at all. Any good news yet????? We were both on our last nerve  -so we hoped nothing else big was waiting for us inside.

We unloaded the MH and debated whether to park the MH in the road instead of under the trees. We opted to leave the MH in the yard until the morning.

It was pouring when we got up but there was very little wind. After watching the  weather report we opted to put the MH in the road as far away from the trees as possible. Unfortunately there were telephone poles to worry about, but moved it anyway.

I was filling the washer for the last load of laundry when I smelled something burning. What now!!!! Well, the tub was full of clothes and water but would not agitate or anything else. Sooooo now the washer won’t work – PLEASE BLACK CLOUD – GO AWAY!!!!! It continued to smell like it was burning so I unplugged it and hoped for the best.

Ron is still in Berkley after 7 years in Raynham LOL

The wind picked up and while I was making lunch I watched and screamed as a tree toppled toward the house. Luckily it just hit the corner of the roof with little to no damage. We had two trees down by the end of the storm and multiple braches and pine tree debris. We always loved living among the trees but the mess after a wind storm or hurricane is a pain in the neck.

Another mess to clean up

A little later I tried the washer again and managed to get it to work long enough to drain the water from the tub and spin the clothes. I could hear the control knob crackling so quickly shut it down and unplugged  it again.



Jewel was very happy to be home and quickly reverted to her old habits of running off to the flea market.

Run- Away Dog

Well,  getting home in time for the hurricane was probably a good idea. At least we were available if something big happened. Hopefully our luck will change and no more issues will crop up. We have had it with daily problems.

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Captain’s Blog August 27, 2011 (Day 113) Home

After a poor nights rest we were up and on the road by 7:15 am. The goal was to find a grocery store before getting back to Raynham. We figured with all the hoopla about Hurricane Irene our chances of getting the staples back home was limited.

We did find a Stop & Shop in Connecticut on route 66. Ron pulled into the very small, chopped up parking lot and while he was looking for a place to park the MH I ran in for some food. It always amazes me how he can maneuver a big rig with a car in tow and not get trapped.

Groceries on board and back on the road we arrived home around 10 am. Our road trip was over and hopefully the dark cloud saga would end.

We had travelled 8,911.8 miles in the MH and 3, 774 miles in the Jeep for a total of  12,685.8 miles. Total cost for gas – a staggering  $4,887.94. Better then I had budgeted because before we left home  the gas price projection was around $4.99 per gallon. We paid anywhere from $3.14 to $3.99.  The only time we really got the gas for the gas was in Yosemite when we paid $4.79  to fill the Jeep.

We had problems with the generator, air bags, dash AC (fixed twice), the transfer switch on the converter, the house battery cable, tow plate, jacks, check engine light, replace  chassis battery and some things I’ve probably forgotten. Despite the issues and repairs we have managed to cross this beautiful country and enjoy what is has to offer. We are blessed to be able to do what we do and do not plan on stopping until we are stopped by forces beyond our control.

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Captain’s Blog August 26, 2011 (Day 112) Meridian, Connecticut Rest Area

We were up and on the road by 9 AM. A record for us. We traveled 399 miles on fairly decent road  - for a change. At least until we got to New England. No major events. Just the same old stuff.

We stopped at the last rest area in Connecticut. Ron was tired and although we had only 138 miles to go he was finished for the night.

Another mistake on our part since the cool  air was replaced by the humid NE air and low pressure from the impending hurricane.image

The noise in the Rest Area was brutal and the humidity overwhelming but Ron was way too tired to drive another mile.

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Captain’ s Blog August 25, 2011 (Day 111) Flying J–Brooksville, PA.

Despite being at a very comfortable CG last night we didn’t sleep all that well. Although we didn’t experience a tornado (thank-you God) we kept awake most of the night by torrential downpours and horrendous thunder and lightening.image

The good news – the humidity was gone and there was a really cool breeze blowing.

Ron fooled around with the jacks – once again. No luck – again.!!! He also noticed that the rear tail lights on the Jeep were not working. HMMMMM – they were working before. Yet another problem. We tested the brakes directional and hazard lights – all ok. Since we would be driving during the day we let it go.

Before leaving we sat outside for a few minutes and noticed some very large bees.  VERY LARGE BEES! The bees were over one inch long and had their nests in the ground.


Luckily they weren’t biting so we packed up and left.

We ran into a lot of traffic but there was no construction going on so we managed to travel around three hundred miles. Unfortunately, since it was wall to wall traffic we were unable to avoid a large piece of rubber from a blown tire in the road. There was nowhere to go with trucks on both sides of us.

When we stopped for a break Ron was very upset to see some damage to the back side compartment on the MH and the right front bumper of the Jeep. That dam black cloud just won’t go away.

Later that evening we stopped at a the Flying J. After eating dinner at Denny’s we decided that since it was really nice and cool we would spend the night.

Ron took a look at the electrical hook-up from the MH to the Jeep. Once again, he found that it had not been connected correctly and one of the pins was depressed. He fixed that and we had our tail lights working again. Good news, since we  were driving into the belly of the hurricane beast.

We will definitely be getting the Jeep and its weld job checked out when we get home. 

Another day of the Tremblay’s black cloud saga. I told Ron , it could be worse and everything that has happened can be fixed. We still had almost 500 miles to drive so needed some rest and no more bad news.

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Captain’s Blog August 24, 2011 (Day 110) Tall Timbers KOA, Dayton Ohio

As usual we got a late start. Never got out of the CG until 11 am. Back on the road it was the same – road construction and slow moving traffic.


It didn’t seem that we could get a trouble free day. The jacks down light came on again and we couldn’t get the jack to go up the 1/2 inch to shut off the alarm.

I pulled the fuse to quiet the awful  noise and we kept on driving. There was no possibility of the jack dropping because it has springs to hold it up.

We stopped for the night at the Tall Timbers KOA in Dayton, Ohio.image

Once again Ron tried to fix the right front jack- but  no go. It was suppose to storm and there was a  tornado warning in the area. Hello- tornado season was suppose to be over.  Not sure what the night would bring, but unlike  the CG in Missouri there was no obvious storm shelter.

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Captain’s Blog August 23, 2011 (Day 109) Timberline CG, Mulberry Grove, Illinois

After a good night’s rest in cool air-conditioning we headed on down the road. We noted that there was hurricane heading to the East coast so planned on following the weather report.

Ron and I were both tired and the drive was very slow going. The road construction was never-ending and it took us forever to go a little over 200 miles. By 5 pm we were done. So we pulled into the Timberline CG in Mulberry Grove, Illinois.

Ron was a little disappointed that we didn’t make better time but sometimes the traffic and road conditions will work against you.

The GG was very nice and sat among the cornfields. It was unbelievably humid and once again we were happy to have AC.image

Ron continually checked the Jeep to make sure the newly welded face plate was holding. The air-bags were working well – so far.

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Captain’s Blog August 22, 2011 (Day 108) Cozy Corner RV Park, Clinton Missouri, Visit to Maury & Rose







After a brutal night in the heat and humidity Sun  Ron and I looked at each other and said “What were we thinking?????” Spending the night in  a hot, sticky, noisy rest area was not one of our better choices. We finally realized  that staying in rest areas was no longer an option for us in the heat.

We would be staying in campgrounds until it cooled down considerably. Ron cannot tolerate the heat like before and it really makes him feel lousy.

We hit the road again around 9 AM planning to visit my brother in Clinton, Missouri later that day. The drive was slow-going with lots of road construction and going through towns with 20 MPH speed limits.

We had to stop for a quick nap and then again to fix the right front jack because the Jacks Down Light came on. So much for a trouble free ride.

We got into Clinton around 4 PM. Next was finding the CG. I had set the Tom Tom  to the address and we were doing OK until we saw a sign that said Cozy Corner CG next left. Well, the left was 20 feet after the sign so we took it despite Tom Tom saying left in one-half mile and Ron’s hesitance. We headed down the lovely paved road and then it became a dirt road. Nope – not a good idea to go down that road even though Tom Tom was saying it was OK.

So here we were in the blistering 100 degree heat and humidity, sweating and uncomfortable, a stones throw from the CG. We decided we had to disconnect and find another way into the CG. Ron was disconnecting and asked me to move the car up a little. I went to start the car  and  ----------------------------------------------------------- THE CAR WOULDN’T START. for the first time ever!!!! WHATTTTTT NOW!~!!!!!! I had finally reached my breaking point so it was not very pretty. Ron, who had been equally as frustrated kept his cool and opened the hood, took out some tools and tightened the connectors to the battery. Apparently when the front end was welded the battery had been disconnected but when reconnected the nut to hold the battery terminal was not even tightened one turn.  Yes, the car did start and after another navigator blunder we were on the road to the CG.

Once at the CG we cooled off, took showers and headed to my brother’s house where the saga continued. We knocked on the door and his three dogs came running out. After chasing them around, two took off running. My brother, who can barely walk is now all upset. The “dark cloud” Tremblay’s had arrived and now his beloved dogs were gone. Ron and I took off trying to find the dogs as did my brother in his car. So much for the refreshing showers.

After about 45 minutes we rounded up the little rascals and headed to the Nursing Home to pick up my sister-in-law Rose. She had a hip replacement (that’s a whole other story) and was getting rehab. They gave her permission to go out to dinner with us. (Another not so great idea on our part.)

We put Rose in her wheelchair and headed over to Applebee’s (Rose’s favorite restaurant). We placed our order and when it arrived my brother was not happy with his. Unwittingly, he ordered a weight watchers meal. He is usually a pretty mellow guy. Not sure what happened next but he blew up and sent his meal back –cancelling his order. OOPHS – Ron & I were mortified. I talked him into another meal and the waitress was so nervous she forgot to ask what type of potato he wanted. When his second meal arrived - just steak and mixed vegetables was on his plate. NOT SO GOOD - AGAIN!!!  He again loudly voiced his unhappiness, but finally did eat the steak. Rose ordered a steak but didn’t eat any of it so she brought it back to the nursing home with her.


After a brief visit there we brought Maury home. He was in obvious pain from his back and hip so needed some rest. Chasing after his dogs did him and us in. Back at the CG we settled in and prepared for the long drive home.

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Days till We leave