Upon arrival home Ron noticed that our new driveway looked very much like our old driveway with a large rut on the right side. How could that be????? We spent a fortune to get the driveway repaved and the problem fixed and it is back again!!!!!! Not a happy couple here at all. Any good news yet????? We were both on our last nerve -so we hoped nothing else big was waiting for us inside.
We unloaded the MH and debated whether to park the MH in the road instead of under the trees. We opted to leave the MH in the yard until the morning.
It was pouring when we got up but there was very little wind. After watching the weather report we opted to put the MH in the road as far away from the trees as possible. Unfortunately there were telephone poles to worry about, but moved it anyway.
I was filling the washer for the last load of laundry when I smelled something burning. What now!!!! Well, the tub was full of clothes and water but would not agitate or anything else. Sooooo now the washer won’t work – PLEASE BLACK CLOUD – GO AWAY!!!!! It continued to smell like it was burning so I unplugged it and hoped for the best.
The wind picked up and while I was making lunch I watched and screamed as a tree toppled toward the house. Luckily it just hit the corner of the roof with little to no damage. We had two trees down by the end of the storm and multiple braches and pine tree debris. We always loved living among the trees but the mess after a wind storm or hurricane is a pain in the neck.
A little later I tried the washer again and managed to get it to work long enough to drain the water from the tub and spin the clothes. I could hear the control knob crackling so quickly shut it down and unplugged it again.
Jewel was very happy to be home and quickly reverted to her old habits of running off to the flea market.
Well, getting home in time for the hurricane was probably a good idea. At least we were available if something big happened. Hopefully our luck will change and no more issues will crop up. We have had it with daily problems.
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